Jul 262013

Two summers ago, my husband and I were at the shop getting tattooed.  My husband went to the convenience store down the road to grab some drinks, leaving me alone with our artist.  He was always joking about accidentally adding a penis to a tattoo he would do on my husband, and somehow the discussion turned into a reality.  Being a heavily tattooed man, I knew my husband wouldn’t care if he actually DID, in fact, get a small cock tattooed on him.  A member was drawn up while he was gone, and my husband was greeted with it when he arrived.  Our artist, my husband, and myself all got the same tattoo.  I chose a very private area, not likely seen unless I’m trying to show you, but my husband and his artist were a little more ballsy than myself.

I love me some cock…and here is my proof!

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Sultry Saturday

Jul 262013

Review #2 is mine, but make sure you check out all the other amazing reviews included in the roundup! :D

Roundup Week 1

1. Fifty Shades Glass Dildo 6. Fetish Fantasy Incredible Sex Stool Ultra by Pipedreams Review
2. SPUNK Lube Hybrid 7. Exotic Erotics Hippocampus – Beck
3. Reenie 8. Sex & Mischief Bed Bondage Restraint Kit Review
4. Randy silicone by Vixen Creations 9. LELO Bob- Insatiaslut
5. A Flash in the Pan – Septimus 10. The Hitachi Magic Wand


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