Jul 202013
No, I don’t have the perfect body…but it’s mine, and it’s real.
-See other Sinful Sunday entries by clicking below-
No, I don’t have the perfect body…but it’s mine, and it’s real.
-See other Sinful Sunday entries by clicking below-
No-one has a perfect body, despite what the media would like us to believe. I think you look absolutely beautiful!
Rawr! Why have substitutes when you can have the ‘Real’ thing?
I’d pounce on you!
Just beautiful
I love your confident pose; you look gorgeous!
You’re simply beautiful! I love your tattoos and boobies .. Oh my whole image is so powerful ! Cause you are really strong woman. I can feel it:) xxx
I’m getting there! I’ve grown so much over the past year it blows me away! Thank you!
*shrugs* What’s ‘perfect’ anyway? I don’t believe there’s any such thing. But there is stunning – and that’s you! You’re a knockout (in my opinion, anyhow!).
xx Dee
Wow…thank you so much! I can’t say I’ve ever been called ‘stunning’ before!
It’s the real thing and it’s beautiful
Rebel xox
Perfect is the body you love and the pleasure that it gives. Your body is another depiction of perfection.
Excellent point! Thanks so much!
Confidence and comfort in a person’s own skin is as sexy as all hell. Nicely done.
Neither do I have the perfect body but we are real women with real bodies.
~Mia~ xx
You’re beautiful. You’re a real woman who should love yourself for who you are. P.S. I love your ink. <3
Beautiful and brave, with a meaningful message. It is one of inspiration and I truly love this photo. xxx
I hope it inspires! Thanks so much!
What ^ they said. Real beautiful! Your confidence in sharing is hot too.
Beautiful pic, I love that you’re putting your body out there. You and I are built a lot alike, and the more I see of your glorious body, I feel that much more comfortable with mine. Thanks for that.
Btw, for a second a thought you dyed your tips blue! lol
I’m glad that my images are helping you get more comfortable with your own body! You are beautiful and you should feel it!
Who needs a perfect body when you have a real one and the right attitude! Good on you xxx
No apologies necessary! You are a beautiful woman
~Kazi xxx
You look perfect to me. A very real, very gorgeous body. Jane xxx
Lovely and full of confidence
None of us have perfect bodies; have you considered Dirty Little Whispers Naked Wednesday project?
I’m not sure I know what that is…I’ll have to look into it, thank you!
Thank you all SO MUCH! You have no idea how strong my confidence is growing! I felt so good about taking and posting this image. You can see my stretch marks, you can see my size, you can see that I’m flawed..but I’m learning to love myself despite any of it! Thank you all for seeing the meaning within this image!
You’re beautiful! Any more photos of your tattoos? They look like they suit you very well.
I love your real body! You’re very beautiful.