There’s just something about looking down at those intense, brown eyes that drives me wild!
-See who else is being sinful this Sunday by clicking below-
There’s just something about looking down at those intense, brown eyes that drives me wild!
-See who else is being sinful this Sunday by clicking below-
Working with and supporting so many companies is amazing for so many reasons. One of the best things? All the amazing sales and deals that are going on! Here’s a little list containing some of the action!
Bad Dragon -
Currently on sale, Virgil the Drippy Dragon. You can snag this one for 15% off! Many of the aquatic designs were brought back in honor of shark week, but will be removed on Sunday! Make sure you grab yours before it’s gone! Make sure you also check out the first ever Bad Dragon Labs winner – Nox the Night Drake and don’t forget to look at all the cute dragons that are up for adoption!
Blush Novelties -
August is full of awesome new releases (Remember that cute little guy on the bottom?). When you click on the image, it will take you to their catalog, it’s full of fun and colorful products!
Cleis Press -
Also has a huge Fall catalog featuring erotica, guides, and more. My review of their awesome prostate guide can be found here! On top of that, there are some awesome ebooks on sale, don’t forget to check them out!
Erotic Toy Town -
Erotic Toy Town has a lovely clearance sale that includes a variety of different items. It doesn’t say how long this sale is going on or if more items will be included. On top of the clearance sale, you also get free shipping on orders over $60.
Good Vibrations -
Good Vibrations has a sale going on where you save 20% on waterproof vibrators. Valid through August 19 (or while supplies last) you’ll be able to snag a free Orange Dream vibe with a $50 purchase. You’ll also get free shipping with any orders $50 and over.
Lelo -
After releasing enhanced versions of Mona, Ina, Mia, and Elise, we can now add an upgraded version of Gigi and Liv to the list! Stay tuned for a review of Gigi 2, coming within the next couple months!
Lovehoney -
There’s always a great sale going on at Lovehoney! Currently their having a great sale where you choose three items for one set price. There’s a $15, $40, and $75 section you can look through and totally mix and match what you’d like to purchase.
Nitetimetoys -
Awesome sales here as well! Save up to 40% on discreet vibrators, save up to 40% on erotic games, they have a $10 and under sale, and this week they also have a sale going where you can save up to 60% on all waterproof toys! Shipping is free with a minimum purchase of $50!
Tantus -
Ah, the lovely silicone of Tantus! This great company is having an awesome sale for the month of August. All month long you can save 25% on all vibrating toys (including kits) when you use code SHAKEITUP at check out! Also, have you SEEN the beautiful new addition now available? Make sure you click the image below to find out more!
Pink Cherry -
Another site always filled with sale, Pink Cherry has great deals on System Jo, free vibe and toy cleaner with purchase of We Vibe 3 or We Vibe Thrill, free toy when you spend $100 or more, and weekly specials on toys and lingerie (up to 95% off). There’s also a limited time offer of free shipping on order $49 and over!
Our friends over at Toy Box Under The Bed are currently working on their site which will hopefully be back up and running soon!
-The Facts-
Title: Vulva 101
Author: Hylton Coxwell
Publishing Company: Liquid Metal Publishing
ISBN: 978-0-9877358-0-5
13 x 11, 132 pages
Vulva 101 is truly an amazing project that Coxwell put together in order to help women learn to be more comfortable with themselves by shedding light on how different we all truly look. It’s no secret that a lot of women are very self conscious when it comes to their bodies; usually concerning stretch marks, excess fat, or saggy breasts. But the truth is, a lot of women have a difficult time with the way their lady parts look. This incredible book helps eliminate the shame some women might feel, and exposes the beauty and diversity among us all.
There are a total of seven chapters in this book, the fourth chapter being the longest and containing the most images. Before chapter one there’s an acknowledgements section, and a forward written by sex educator Viktoria Kalenteris. She touches on how pleased she is with the concept of this book and how important this project is. The acknowledgements feature the names of the one hundred and one women who’s openness made this project possible, and includes many others that contributed to this cause in other ways.
Now, while this book does feature an incredible amount of nude images (319 to be exact), it’s tastefully and beautifully put together. These images are artful and were done for a cause. There are plenty of books available that will fulfill your sexual needs, the purpose of this one was designed to give confidence and validation to many who feel uncomfortable with the way their vulvae look.
The first chapter explains how and why the book came together, where the idea initially came from, and how he started the project. It’s impressive the drive behind it, and how important it was for Coxwell to put this book together. The second chapter goes into the various names and ideas people have surrounding the vulvae, as well as how censored it is and the discomfort many people have surrounding even the word itself. The third chapter, titled Ouchy!, discusses the many ways vulvae can temporarily or permanently be changed either due to an accident, or purposefully. Accidents, hair removal, surgeries, and body modifications (tattoos and piercings) are mostly what’s covered.
Chapter four is where the flood of images start. The models that were photographed were all between the ages of 18 and 65, and were all between 85 lbs and 320 lbs; talk about a diverse group of women! The first page in this chapter covers various points about the shoot and models themselves (including the age/weight information), leaving the pages of images to speak for themselves.
Each page is dedicated to one woman; three photos are used to show various angles of her vulvae, and the background of the pages are in black which really helps showcase the images themselves. Only women are shown in this book, and the images are close up. You can’t tell the person’s age or weight, and only sometimes can pick out their exact ethnicity. All photos were shot in natural light and are as close to the woman’s true skin tone as possible.
The angles shown are different on each page, some simply laying down, some standing up, and some shown spread apart. The pubic hair is different with each image, and the women were encouraged to keep it the way they normally would. Apart from common differences (shape, size, etc.), there are many images where the woman has tattoos and/or piercings; truly showing off how we’re all unique.
When the book is open, two different women are shown, still with three images on each page. The overall look and feel of the book isn’t one you would put on the shelf, it’s what a lot of people would call a ‘coffee table book‘. It’s large and image focused. However, if you have young children it might be best to keep this book out of their reach. For a more mature female (older teen and up) it certainly could be used as an educational tool. No female should go through life feeling like something is wrong with the way their anatomy looks, even when they’re still an adolescent. Books like this can really change the way girls view their bodies, long before they think something is wrong with theirs.
The fifth chapter in this book touches on bisexuality, primarily focused on the women who posed for this project. He came up with a little scale that looks at three different categories of attraction; physical, sexual, and relationship interest, and put together a chart showing the results. This didn’t feel like it was directly related to the concept of the book, but could perhaps help someone who’s struggling with their sexuality.
Chapter six is filled with comments from the women who posed. They discuss their experience, thoughts on the project, advice for others, and how they felt after seeing their photos. Some comments are short, while others are a little more detailed. Either way, it brings a smile to my face reading about what a positive experience this was for so many.
The final chapter is on a theory Coxwell had about the length of a woman’s inner labia being similar to women’s menstrual cycles synchronizing. He thought at first that the length depended on where the women were from, but how the theory quickly was eliminated as more women were photographed. He also discusses how various things can effect a woman’s cycle and how cultural differences effect us.
-My thoughts-
I love the whole idea of this book! I think of all the concerns women have about their bodies, the vulvae are least discussed. The images in this book, though considered graphic, are well done and enlightening. I really think they found the perfect middle ground between medical illustrations and something pornographic. I think that’s what I appreciate most about this book.
I felt like the text in the book could have covered things better. Some sections felt totally irrelevant, but some areas were really great. I wish they had stuck with how the project came together, a brief history, and the women’s feelings before and after and left it at that. It’s really a small thing considering what a fantastic project this is, but I easily lost interest in what was written in the chapters themselves.
The front cover of the book displays the title very boldly, but no nudity is shown.
The book has a dust jacket, but the cover of the book and jacket look exactly the same. The shiny surface of the book and pages easily pick up fingerprints. That was a little annoying, but not a huge deal.
Vulva 101 is available to purchase through
A special thank you to Liquid Metal Publishing for providing me this book free of charge in exchange for an unbiased review. This is in compliance with FTC guidelines.
I don’t remember how old I was the first time I heard about sex toys, but I was 18 when I made my first adult purchase. I don’t exactly remember how the conversation came up, but I know we (my ex husband and I) were both frustrated with how long it would take him to make me cum. Instead of being patient with me, he would get frustrated and it would make it even harder for me to have an orgasm. I thought maybe adding some toys to our sexual experiences would help things out, so we turned on the computer and started shopping.
Neither of us had a clue what to look for or what we might like. I had no idea that there were so many different products and felt instantly overwhelmed by the selection. We weren’t very vocal about our desires, so we kept things really simple. Getting an insertable toy was off limits for me, I think there was a mutual fear that I would enjoy it more than having sex with him (considering how bland sex was for me, though I never told him that), so we stuck with external toys. I recall trying very hard to find things that we could use together, fearing his pride would be bruised if I told him I was interested in something to use on my own.
I knew nothing about material safety, that you needed to be cautious about what you insert anally, and most important for me at the time – that not all products have the same power behind them. We decided on a pocket rocket with various attachments (very similar to this only it also included a sleeve like this with it.), a little mouse vibrator, a basic penis pump, a vibrating c-ring, and some love dice. I wish I remembered the exact company and product names for each, but this was back in 2006 and I have no clue now!
We agreed that we’d open the box together when it came in, and wouldn’t use anything until it was nighttime. My (ex) husband had the day off when the package arrived, immediately brought it upstairs, and we opened it together. All discussion went out the window and he wanted to try everything that very moment. Fortunately, our daughter was napping at the time, and it gave us the chance to check everything out.
Packages were opened, batteries inserted, and buttons were turned on. I wasn’t even aroused since I was a little annoyed that he wasn’t waiting like we had agreed, but tried my best to get into it. The pocket rocket was what he tried on me first, using the totally smooth head. I did start getting nervous and excited, never having experienced anything vibrating against my clit, and couldn’t wait to be blown away.
Sadly, I wasn’t exactly blown away.
I recall closing my eyes and trying hard to focus on the feeling, and finding myself trying not to just use my finger like I was used to. He asked me how it felt and not wanting to disappoint, I told him it felt good. The reality of the situation; it didn’t feel like much of anything and I wanted to run away and just cry. I had built up this image of what it would be like, thinking I could just lay there and allow the orgasm to be drawn from me. I couldn’t have been more wrong. He got off after trying out the pump and ring, and I did my best to not look disappointed.
Later that night, I made my way into the bathroom and just cried. I felt like something was wrong with me, that I was broken or somehow messed up in some way. I could bring myself to orgasm with my hands, but someone else touching me there didn’t work, intercourse didn’t work, oral sex took at least 45 minutes to produce a weak orgasm, and now even battery powered objects couldn’t take me there. I was scared of disappointing my husband, worried he would only get more frustrated with me if I told him the truth about how the toys felt, and things in our sex life would just get worse.
I knew he didn’t want me to use anything on my own, but later that week I tried them again. Being by myself took away some of the pressure, but the results weren’t any better. I put the toys in a box, and decided not to bring them up again. If he wanted us to use them, that was fine, but I wasn’t going to fake an orgasm and didn’t want to deal with the shame of not being able to cum.
Oddly enough, the toys were never used again, at least not by me and not by us together. I found them in the same box a few years later when we had decided to get divorced and I was separating our things. I kept the vibrators that were mine, not even really sure why, and gave him the c-ring and penis pump.
A few months later, I tossed the toys. My fingers had done their job so far, I guess they could continue.
Now, looking at where I am now, it would seem odd that I got back into them after having such a pathetic experience. You’ll have to fast forward to me meeting an amazing guy, falling deeply in love, and getting married to understand this part of the story. My new man and I had an amazing sex life. We both took our time pleasing each other and there was an amazing chemistry between us. Though I still had some troubles with him bringing me to orgasm, it wasn’t at all like before. Oral sex was still the only way I could climax apart from doing it myself, but it never took long. The idea of checking out sex toys again was very different this time. I didn’t think of it was a way to doctor our sex life, I looked at it as a way to enhance it and keep our passion strong. I went at it with a new attitude, and I think that made a big difference.
I brought up the idea, and we looked online together. We didn’t purchase super cheap toys, but we didn’t get high end stuff either. Our first order consisted of a Clone A Willy Kit, Icicles No. 2, and a few other small items. Not long after, we purchased a We Vibe II and a set of glass ben wa balls. Though not everything we purchased at first worked out perfectly for us, it was still exciting to try. We went at it with the right attitude; learning new ways to please each other and enjoy the relationship we shared.
Overtime, we learned about material safety, proper care and cleaning, and really educated ourselves. It evolved into a hobby for me, and something my husband enjoyed me being a part of. Overtime I realized that there wasn’t something wrong with me, the toys I bought in the first place were cheap and weak. I needed power in order to climax, and my search was on to find the most powerful toys I could.
My point is, educate yourself and don’t give up if the first toys you get don’t work out for you. It takes a while to figure out what your body responds to, and not everyone will have the same experiences. Try different things to see what will work for you, but try to avoid only purchasing the super cheap products. Chances are, they’re made from unsafe materials an won’t be strong enough. If you ever have any questions or would like some suggestions, I would be glad to help! Feel free to leave a comment here, or shoot me an email!
Untouched by locked lips.
Torrid dreams beg for release.
Do you have the key?
- Travel friendly
- Disposable
- Easy to use
- Pre-lubricated
- Suction hole
- Texture won’t be right for everyone
- Shouldn’t be reused
- Expensive for disposable
The Original Vacuum Cup from Tenga is a male masturbator designed solely to stimulate the penis. Ergonomic and easy to hold, the cup fits in the palm of your hand and works using a stroking motion. Toys like this are great to add a different element to your jack off sessions, but can also be used with a partner; taking a simple handjob and turning it into something extra stimulating.
The ease of use with this toy is where it really shines. You don’t need to worry about applying lubricant, don’t need to worry about washing it out after, and all the regular hassles of owning a masturbator can be tossed out the window. You open it up, remove the sticker at the top, insert your cock and stroke to your heart’s content. After you’ve climaxed or you’re finished using it, you simple put the cap back on and clean yourself up.
Being disposable, it’s great to take with you on business or pleasure trips since there’s no concern about your more expensive toys being lost or damaged, and no need to worry about repacking it for the return home. It can easily be tossed in the trash after you’re finished, but can be washed out and recycled. The website states that they are considered ‘plastic’ products, and that you should “refer to local regulations for further details”.
With a firm casing and a soft inner sleeve, it’s obvious this masturbator is made from a few different materials. The outer portion of the toy is made from plastic, the next layer is foam, and the sleeve itself is made from TPE. TPE is latex and phthalate free, but is porous; which really doesn’t matter much since it’s disposable.
The plastic has no texture to it, which isn’t a big deal since the shape makes it really simple to hold, but it is very firm. You can’t control the pressure applied by squeezing the cup, instead, there’s a special hole that controls suction (which I’ll cover in the next section). Though there isn’t an external texture, there’s plenty inside! The TPE sleeve is covered with soft nubs toward the center of it, followed by a short ribbed area, and the tip has larger, more prominent nubs. The center area isn’t overwhelming at all, but the tip might be too much for someone who doesn’t care for a lot of texture. If you find that it’s too much, don’t use the cup as deeply and it will be better.
(Image shows the sleeve after I cut it in half)
The foam inside the cup is simply in place to create a cushion between the sleeve and the case. The sleeve itself is very thin, it’s the foam that takes up a lot of space inside the cup. Most of the foam doesn’t come in contact with your body since it’s between the layers, however, there are two sponges inside the sleeve that are saturated with lubricant. One of the sponges is a small circular piece, and the other is open in the center and is like a ring. Your penis goes through this area when you insert it, but it’s not attached to the sleeve itself. My husband actually had the ring ON his penis when he pulled himself out at one point.
The ringlike sponge is near the opening of the toy and is supposed to lubricate your penis as it’s inserted. It really is full of lube and makes the sleeve slide easily during use. If you find that there’s too much lube, you can remove the ring, squeeze a little out, and put it back into the cup, but you’re not supposed to remove the ring in general.
The way this cup works is really great overall and I love the general concept. The cup is smaller than a lot of sleeves, even others from Tenga. It’s more compact because it’s meant to be travel friendly and the shape is really awesome for its designed use. It’s shaped like a cylinder that sort of has an hourglass shape to it; the center is a little thinner than the other areas of the toy. This is great since it fits comfortably in your hand during use without having to worry about it slipping from your grip.
The bottom of the toy is flat and is where you insert your penis. On the label itself there’s a little perforated tab and the word ‘open’ showing where to tear in order to access the cap. You don’t have to remove the full label if you don’t want to, only the bottom portion needs to be removed. Once you’ve peeled this area off, you can pop the cap off and go to town! The label has a little image on it that shows exactly how to use it, so it’s very unlikely that there would be confusion.
The cap on the bottom can be removed and replaced as needed, either because you’re setting it down for a moment, or because you’ve already used it. It makes cleaning up really simple since any mess made during use is totally contained.
The design of the sleeve was obviously well planned. Every little ring and space and texture was designed just so and they all work very well together. The website has a great image that really gives you a good idea on how it works.
While that gives you a good idea about the internal textures and overall structure, it doesn’t cover much about the air hole on the top. When you first receive your cup, there’s a little silver sticker on the top of it. It says “Remove. Cover hole with finger for suction.” It pretty much explains itself. When the hole is completely covered, the suction is nice and strong. You can leave it completely uncovered for no suction, or only lightly cover it for a little suction. This area gives you the most freedom to get it working just right for you.
If you would rather try to use the cup hands free, you can try sticking it between your mattress, or wedging it into another area. It takes away your ability to control the level of suction used, but you can either leave the sticker on for maximum suction, or just peel it off and leave it while enjoying the texture without any suction. That’s really the only way to use it hands free.
As stated before, the size is really reasonable for what this is. It’s portable while remaining large enough that even guys who are above average in size could use it. The opening stretches easily and should accommodate nearly anyone, though will be tighter for those who are very girthy. The depth is about 6″ and the width is around 1 3/4″, though seems like it would work for someone slightly larger than that.
The label on the masturbator isn’t discreet because it clearly tells you what it is and gives you a little idea on how to use it, that being said, it can be totally removed. If you’re traveling and are concerned about someone seeing this item, the label can be cut off, exposing only the plastic casing. Unless someone were to open it up and check it out, it’s unlikely they would instantly assume it was a sex toy, making it an even better travel option.
If only all toys were this easy to care for! Since it’s a one time use toy, there are zero care instructions! Once you’ve had your fun, you replace the cap and toss it, easy as that! The lubricant inside is water-based and is more of a gel than a thin lube. I think this was smart because it stays where it’s supposed to much better than a thinner lube would have. Make sure to check out the ingredients list before purchasing if you’re sensitive to certain ingredients, and immediately stop using if you experience a reaction.
Water, Glycerin, Sodium Polyacrylate, Phenoxyethanol, Methylparaben, Hydroxypropylcyclodextrin, IPBC, Hydroxyethyl Cellulose, Propylene Glycol
The label and plastic casing for the toy is the packaging. There’s no plastic covering the toy, no box to worry about; nothing. Since the label extends over the cap of the toy, you can feel secure in knowing that it wasn’t opened prior to receiving it as long as it’s properly in place.
The overall look is masculine, being mostly red with silver stripes and lettering on it. It’s a little difficult to read because the text is very small and the silver is difficult to make out in general. There isn’t a lot of information on the label, but what information it does contain is stated in several languages.
My husband is a very spoiled man and already has two of the Tenga Flip Holes (black and silver). His favorite masturbator we’ve used so far (from any company) has been the black version; so naturally we had pretty high expectations for this one, despite the fact that it’s disposable. I think because of previous experiences, we set this toy up for failure.
We both thought the concept was great; having a travel friendly masturbator to take on trips instead of a more expensive one? Brilliant idea! It makes so much sense and we were both curious about how it would preform. Once opened, the first thing I noticed was the fairly strong smell to the lube. It wasn’t offensive, but it was stronger than I had expected. He didn’t care and was just interested in seeing how it worked. After some oral play, we were ready to give it a shot. I watched for a while, trying to read his reaction. He changed the suction, speed, depth, etc. and then I asked him how it was.
Unfortunately, he wasn’t impressed.
He’s not great about explaining how something feels, but he said it felt like there was a friction issue. We both agreed that there was more than enough lubricant, so it wasn’t that. Admittedly, he is a bit of a spoiled brat when it comes to texture and this one just didn’t work out for him the way we had hoped.
Trying to understand the overall texture of the toy, I decided to bust out my scissors and take a look. The image in the texture section shows a little bit of what it’s all about, but here are more to show the various parts.
The only thing I can come up with that would have been causing an issue for him may have been the smaller area of the sleeve. It didn’t seem like it was tight, but when you’re sensitive to textures, having tighter areas can irritate a little more. My husband isn’t overly girthy, so that wasn’t the issue here, he’s just sensitive and spoiled (but I love him anyway!).
Just because this wasn’t right for him, doesn’t mean it’s not right for you. We love the Tenga products we’ve tried in general, this just didn’t give him the stimulation he was looking for. The quality is great (especially considering it’s disposable) and there were no other concerns, it was solely personal preference that got in the way of us enjoying this product.
Interested in grabbing your own? Click the banner below to see where you can purchase.
A big thank you to Tenga for providing this item to me free of charge in exchange for an unbiased review. This is in compliance with FTC guidelines.
This is The Week In Reviews (formerly Dizzygirl’s Review Roundup), a weekly collection of adult product reviews by the best sex bloggers. If you would like to particpate, you can submit your links to The Week In Reviews.Week 3
1. | FeelzToys Cogilia-anal beads-dizzygirl | 8. | Hitachi Beaded Attachment- GeekyNymph | |
2. | Bad Dragon Cocksheath Review – Beck | 9. | A Classy Cleaner — Lelo Antibacterial Cleaning Spray | |
3. | Blush Bondage Bow – Ali’s Addiction | 10. | Doc Johnson iVibe Pocket Rocket – Curvy Sexy Fun | |
4. | Divine Interventions Buddha’s Delight Dildo Review By Mr. Will | 11. | The Ultimate Guide To Prostate Pleasure | |
5. | A Touch of Glass Dimple Twist Glass Dildo by John | 12. | Fetish Fantasy Extreme Silicone Paddle | |
6. | Lelo’s Mia 2 – Clitstop | 13. | Crystal Delights Small Plug- Insatiaslut | |
7. | Fetish Fantasy Beginners Bondage Set – KinkyBikerMom | 14. | Fifty Shades of Grey Hard Limits Restraint Kit – Ellen Dominick |
Welcome to HedoVibes, a collection of reviews and giveaways that were posted in the past week or so from around the web. This is a collection of adult product reviews & contests from real reviewers. If you want to be included in the next edition use the submission form. Want to read more reviews? Check out HedoVibes for a list of reviews and stellar reviewers. You can also follow on twitter for the latest round ups.
Beck’s Blog Anniversary Giveaway -by BeckAndHerKinks (ends 8/31)
Save Your Ass This August… Win Silicone SpunkLube -by CliticalJenne (ends 8/31)
Sultry Saturday Agreeable Agony Contest -by Sultry Saturday (ends 8/31)
Crackers the Cockatrice from Bad Dragon -by Property Of Potter
Exotic Erotics Phoenix Dildo Review -by BeckAndHerKinks
InJoyUs Strapless Strap-On -by LoriandHubby
Fabulously Pink~ Love rider G-kiss probe By Cal Exotics -by Lovekink
Lelo Smart Wand (Medium/White) Review -by Gritty Woman
Stronic Drei (Petrol) Review -by Gritty Woman
Salsa by We Vibe -by ClitStop
Jopen Envy Two -by LoriandHubby
Fun Factory Pulsator Stronic Drei Powerful Thrusting Vibrator -by Cara Sutra
Delight Throb Waterproof Silicone Anal Beads -by Cara Sutra
Rocks Off Butt Quiver Anal Plug Vibrator -by Cara Sutra
8 Ball Rocks-Off Cock Ring -by LoriandHubby
MOJO Ion Strength Silicone Cock Ring – Black -by Cara Sutra
Wet Naturals Sensual Strawberry -by dizzygirl
Review: Pure Encounter Female Lubricant sachet (7.5ml) -by SubReiSkyeM
Fifty Shades of Grey Ready for Anything Aqua Water Based Sex Lubricant -by Cara Sutra
Lovehoney Enjoy Water-Based Sex Lubricant -by Cara Sutra
Fetish Fantasy Extreme Silicone Paddle -by Shadowed Seductress
Clitical Book Review: Serving Him. Stories of Submission -by CliticalJenne
Cassie’s Call by Livilla Sanders -by Cara Sutra
Fifty Shades of Grey Hard Limits Restraint Kit from Lovehoney -by Ellen Dominick
Bondage Boutique PVC Wrist & Ankle Cuffs Review -by BeckAndHerKinks
Fifty Shades of Grey Sensual Touch Massage Oil -by Cara Sutra
-The Facts-
Title: The Ultimate Guide To Prostate Pleasure
Authors: Charlie Glickman and Aislinn Emirzian
Publishing Company: Cleis Press
Trade Paper
ISBN 978-1-57344-904-5
6 x 9, 368 pages
The Ultimate Guide to Prostate Pleasure is a great resource for those who are interested in learning more about their own prostate and for those who are looking for ways to pleasure their prostate wielding partners. Written by sex educators Charlie Glickman (who has a PhD) and Aislinn Emirzian, they cover everything from the absolute basics, to in depth information on the prostate and how it works. This easy to follow book makes you feel more like you’re listening to a good (and educated) friend than reading a boring guide. Whether you’re hearing about prostate pleasure for the very first time, or you’ve been enjoying prostate stimulation for years, there’s at least a little something for everyone to learn.
Here, I’ll be taking each chapter and breaking it down to give you a good feel of what’s covered. I’m obviously only covering the basics, but it should at least give you an idea on what this book covers.
Before Chapter 1, there’s a forward by Carol Queen, PhD, and an introduction. The forward mostly just talks about how male anal pleasure is still a pretty taboo subject and that all men deserve to have the right information that will deliver this type of pleasure. The introduction gives you a brief look about what the book contains, how it came together, and actually discusses for a moment the language that’s used in the book; proper terms vs slang. A lot of attention was paid to making sure this book would appeal to and reach a very diverse audience, and it shows.
Most of this book was written directly to someone who has a prostate, with a few areas for those of us who don’t. However, it’s very easy to follow and understand even if you’re reading this book to help understand your partner’s body better.
Throughout the book, there are little quotes from men who took part in a study/survey and grey boxes that section off an important part of the chapter. These areas come up here and there and highlight something that should be slightly set apart from the rest of the chapter.
Chapter 1: Before We Start: Frequently Asked Questions
This chapter really covers some of the very basic questions that someone new to prostate play would want to know. It’s geared more toward those who only have a little experience or no experience with this type of stimulation since a lot of the questions asked refer to what might happen during play. These are the questions covered:
By the end of this chapter, a beginner should have learned that it’s totally acceptable to want and enjoy this type of play, and should have a lot of their concerns eliminated, especially ones that deal with what others would think. There are also some tips and information about keeping things clean and safe. Even if you’ve experienced prostate stimulation, you might not want to skip this chapter since you still may learn something new.
Chapter 2: The Sexy Prostate
This section gets a little more informational, even for those who participate in prostate play already. It describes a little bit about how it’s an erogenous much like the penis, testicles, and areas of the female anatomy, and makes a point to state that everyone’s experience will vary because not everyone enjoys the same things. It also discusses what the prostate does during arousal, what different types of stimulation can feel like, and the different ways you can potential orgasm from it. Covering all bases, there’s even a grey box that discusses how transgender women have prostates too and have varying thoughts on it. The sections of this chapter are:
Chapter 3: What Is the Prostate?
This is where we start to get a little bit into the medical side of things. This section discusses what the role of the prostate it, what it does, how it’s all connected, and how it works. The prostate is compared to a walnut or a small plum when describing the size and feeling of it, and we learn about the similarities between prostate and G-spot stimulation. While this chapter gets a little deeper into how things work, it remains very easy to read and follow. There’s a lot of information to take in, but it’s spelled out in pretty simple terms, and even contains diagrams which serve as maps to the male anatomy.
Chapter 4: Hygiene
You guessed it, this chapter is all about steps you can take to feel safe, clean, and secure about your playtime. The number one concern for men of all sexual orientation; being scared of the mess associated with anal pleasure. Naturally any type of anal exploration can lead to accidental messes, and this section gives you tips and ideas to help eliminate that risk, and also helps you to come to terms with the anxiety surrounding it.
Chapter 5: Penetration 101
All the previous chapters have been in preparation for this one. Now that you have an idea of what you need and how it may feel, you’re ready for penetration. You’ll learn the importance of starting out by penetrating yourself (making sure your nails are trimmed, you’re lubricated well, etc), how to relax your mind, body, and sphincters, and what you should do if penetration is uncomfortable.
Chapter 6: Searching for “the Magic Button”
Finding the prostate isn’t the only important thing to consider when you’re starting off with exploring. It’s important to note that even once you’ve located the prostate, it might not be stimulating to you. Keeping your expectations reasonable is very important. You might not experience mind blowing pleasure the first time, but that doesn’t mean you should give up either. There are lots of way to relax your body and mind and this chapter covers them. You’ll read about the dos and don’ts of arousal, how to strengthen your PC muscles (and how to find them), and various feelings you may experience while you’re exploring.
Chapter 7: Find It: Locating the Gland
Before you even penetrate yourself, it’s important to have everything set up and ready where you need it, and to minimize distractions. There’s a little checklist that gives you a good idea of what you should have with you prior to exploring. This chapter has great information on self exploration, including positions and what to feel for, but also covers a lot when it comes to having your partner there with you. Speaking with your partner about your physical and emotional feelings, positions that are great for partner play, and even has a section dedicated to the partner preforming the action. This was especially helpful to me since I’m the female in the relationship looking for ways to help stimulate my male partner.
Chapter 8: Bringing Up the Topic: A Guide for Him and Her
If you’re in a heterosexual relationship and are interested in prostate massage but haven’t brought it up yet to your partner, this chapter is for you. It helps to understand why there’s hesitation around asking about, ways it’s beneficial to your relationship to both experience penetration, how to bring up the conversation, and how to respond if your partner doesn’t have the same interest in it. This is a relatively short chapter, but makes a lot of excellent points.
Chapter 9: Prostate Massage
Full of illustrations, this chapter has a lot of information about technique and is geared toward those looking to provide stimulation to their partner. You learn about paying attention to the pressure applied, the importance of rhythm (especially when also stimulating the penis), and paying close attention to the way your partner is reacting and asking them when you’re unsure. Starting off with one or two fingers (or a small toy) and slow, gentle pressure is best at first. Always build up to more finger, larger toys, and faster and firmer stimulation. Your partner will be more receptive if you begin that way. The last part of this chapter is about fisting (building up to inserting your entire hand), how to start, what to pay attention to, and what to do if things go wrong.
Chapter 10: The “Sweet Spot”: Massaging the Perineum
A lot of people aren’t aware of the fact that you can massage the prostate externally. It’s a much more indirect sensation, and is a little trickier to find, but it’s very possible. This chapter will give you ideas on how to find the sweet spot through the perineum and tips on how to stimulate the area. There’s a short section dedicated to those trying to pleasure their partner this way as well.
Chapter 11: Toys
If you’re familiar with sex toys (especially anal/prostate stimulators), this chapter probably won’t contain a lot of new information for you. However, if anal toys are new to you, this is a very important section to read! Using a toy vaginally is very different than using it anally and you need to take extra precautions to play safely. You learn all about how to play safely, what types of toys/toy materials to consider, and it even throws out some company names to look into.
Chapter 12: Anal Sex and Strap-on Fucking
This chapter is all about motion and position. Geared toward both homosexual couples and heterosexual couples using a strap-on, you learn about which positions work best for prostate stimulation in general, keeping in mind that everyone’s experience will vary. Along with explaining the movements and positions, this chapter is also equipped with some illustrations that help understand them better.
Chapter 13: Real Men Don’t
Here we read all about ‘The Box’. Whether you’ve heard it called that before or not, I can guarantee you’ve experienced it. This chapter focuses on more of a mental/emotional handling of anal penetration. How it can be uncomfortable to consider it if you’re a straight man because of the stigma attached to the enjoyment of being penetrated. Many men have an emotional battle with feeling like it might make them seem like less of a man if they enjoy this type of play, but several points are brought up that should set lots of minds at ease.
Chapter 14: Prostate Health
This chapter covers a few different health concerns surrounding the prostate, what the symptoms are, and how they’re treated. You also learn some great tips to prevent infection from occurring in the first place (some you probably already know or could guess), and it gives you a good look at what prostate cancer is and what it’s like after treatment.
Chapter 15: Possible Benefits of Prostate Massage
Not only does it feel good, but it can be beneficial to your heath to massage your prostate! This chapters takes a look at all the ways prostate massage is healthy and important, especially when done regularly, and is backed by a little history as well.
About the Authors
-My thoughts-
As soon as I saw this book, I knew I had to read it! Being female and not having a prostate, and having an inexperienced partner made it difficult to know what we were doing when it came to back door fun for him. We have played around many times, but I wasn’t properly educated and he wasn’t vocal so I never knew if I was doing the right things or not.
My husband isn’t a reader, so I read this book in hopes that I could in turn educate him, and bring him pleasure at the same time. I loved how easy the book was to follow, and it was easy to relate to even when the tone was directed toward someone stimulating their own prostate.
There’s a lot of solid information in this book, but one of the things that annoyed me was how a lot of the information was repeated, several times in various chapters. I understood the reason in some chapters, but in general, I kept feeling like I had read the same thing before, only to thumb back a few chapters and find nearly the exact same information.
Considering my only complaint is about repeat information, I’d say that’s a good thing! I really think this is a wonderful book for anyone interested in learning more about the prostate, whether you have one or love someone that does.
The front cover of the book instantly gives away what it contains. The words are boldly shown on the front and your eyes are immediately drawn to the muscular male back that’s shown.
There are no actual photos in this book, and no actual nudity. That being said, there are illustrations that show the nude form, but it’s done in a tasteful way and isn’t overly detailed.
The book is bound really well and shows very little sign of wear after reading.
This book is available for purchase through Cleis Press, Good Vibrations, and many other places books are sold.
Cleis Press provided this book to me free of charge in exchange for an unbiased review. This is in compliance with FTC guidelines.
My husband and I are both very passionate, strong willed people. Sometimes we push each other to breaking points, but every once in a while we push and pull in the right direction.
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